#Do not forget the holidays
# Do not forget to be happy

What is the need ????


That's a lot of people ask, and consider less important about the holidays.
What's more common in big cities, such as Jakarta, with a super busy, stuck, noisy with a matter of a lot.
If from my own person whose name is the holiday is very necessary.
Among the reasons that require a vacation:

  2.Melupakan fatigue
  3. Appreciate family
  4. Happy

Among the reasons above are the most preferred in my reason no 3 & no 4.
With the daily busyness we usually forget the happy family and happy itself. The reason with the busy work to earn a living to cover the needs of family, time and attention we are less for the family. Example as the head of our family went home early evening, can kiss our son while saying goodbye father / daddy go to work my son, pray father / papa yah. (Children are still asleep).
That day we fill with busy work at office, market, trade etc.
The afternoon before tired we headed home to face congestion everywhere, until arriving at home is above the hour of 20-21 nights.
Father came home, Assalammualaikum adekk ... Walaikumsalam answer from the wife.
Once back home again seen the child is already sleeping at night.
Keep it going when we are joking and chatting with children, who from the afternoon waiting for his father to come home.
And the little boy was waiting for his father to come home did not ask for money, did not ask for all sorts. The little boy just wanted to show his toys to his father, while telling him all day he did, the little boy said: "my father was toy car toy same si si anu, but the naughty child to adek., cars adek dimainin si anu terus.apakah adek may nakalin si anu well yah ????
Full of pride siayah replied: adek should not be naughty well, if the borrowed anu, toys aja ya boy, do not fight the same friend ... Clever children should not be naughty ..

For that reason, then do not forget the child or you will lose those children's days with the work and intricacies of adult affairs.

Invite them to chat devote the necessary attention, one of them by inviting recreation or a walk.

 Some places of recreation are cheap and certainly make the family cheerful.
Recreation need not be expensive, because happiness can not be measured by MONEY.
Dijakarta itself there is a recreation destination in accordance with a bag that is less thick or cheap:

1. Ragunan kebon animals      (Ticket 4,000 adults & 3,000 children)   
2. Ancol Beach      (Entrance fee + - 30.000) klo not wrong   
3.Taman City       (Free) The recreation outside the city eg:
   A. Bogor Peak      (Klo own car's own most contents of gasoline 100,000 lots left)  
   BTaman Safari       (Entrance ticket is not wrong rp.250.000)   
 There is also a little bit far in the city of Bandung for example:  
 1.De'rench Lembang      (10,000 admission)   
 2.Maribaya Bandung       (25,000 klo ticket is not wrong)
Those are some cheap family recreation places. Not the ticket price of a size for recreation😀, but look at them happy.
 # Do not forget to be happy
 # Appreciate family.
 Happy to be creative be happy send regards for success

Wassalam Rbs



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