Connection Blog to Google Adsense

Tutorial How to generate money from the Internet

   Many ways to get money on the internet, from ads of course Google Adsense.
If still do not know, how to link Blog to Adsense Account?
the following as a toturial way of hooking

1. Set up an active Blogger account
2. Set up a Google Adsense account
3. Set up a Paypal account
4. Link Blogger with Goole Adsense
5. Pull Dollars from Internet to Paypal
6. Bring a sack to the bank of dollar drag

    But it is not easy to get dollars from the internet, although a lot of lure toturial way to get dollars easily Internet.

1. Set up an active Blogger account
    Before we get the dollar from the internet, we must prepare a good blog account first, so that our blog can be accepted by the reader.
Try writing a blog published at least 2000 sentences (characters) should not be reproduced images or video, so caught that published it buakan to menanpilkan youtube if a lot of video.
So Google Adsense is willing and willing to show ads on our blog.

2. Set up a Google Adsense account
    After the first step we have fulfilled, go ahead with preparing Google Adsense account.
Why should I have an Adsense Account? the answer is because the advertising media that will pay and put ads on our blog is google Adsense.
After activation adsense account, copy paste code of ad publisher obtained from adsensenya as below:

<div dir = "ltr" style = "text-align: left;" trbidi = "on">
<script async = "" src = "//"> </ script>
<! - rbsgroupp_main_Blog1_1x1_as ->
<br />
<ins class = "adsbygoogle" data-ad-client = "auto" data-ad-slot = "kodepublhiser" style = "display: block;"> </ ins > <script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []). push ({});
</ script>

Copy paste in the HTML page do not compose his friends yah-yah let me show ads from google on our blog.
after the ad can run, then the dollar will go into our adsense account by itself, as long as many people who stop by our blog, it is the absolute requirement.

3. Set up a Paypal account
The next step is to prepare Paypal account, to withdraw dollars and payments from goole to our account.
Because the payment system from google itself through paypal that can be disbursed via wetsterUnion.jadi if we want to withdraw money from goole must have an active paypal account.

4. Link Blogger with Google Adsense
    How to link the blog to adsense as we have discussed in sub 2 not too difficult. Do not forget to pray our adsense account quickly accepted by Google Adsense.

5. Pull Dollars from Internet to Paypal
   Terms to be able to attract and withdraw dollars must have a PIN directly from Google Adsense. sent directly from Google America.
After getting the PIN and in configuration then the dollar is able and legitimate to be liquefied.

6. Bring a sack to the bank of dollar drag
    After the above steps from 1 to 5 have been met then go to the bank that has been registered to adsense account earlier. Do not forget to prepare a small wallet small, so fit to take home dollars that have been exchanged to the value of rupaih of course.

Here's the look of blogs that can and approved Google Adsense to display our blog ads.


Similarly Toturial from RbsGroupp for friends how to link Blog to Adsense and can earn Dollar from Google Adsense.

Good luck, come together and succeed together in the Internet World.




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